Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behaviour

MKT chap 5

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Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behaviour by Mind Map: Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behaviour

1. The Buyer Decision Process for a new product

1.1. Individual Differences in Innovation

1.1.1. Early adopters

1.1.2. Early Majority

1.1.3. Late Majority

1.1.4. Laggards

1.2. 5 stages

1.2.1. Awareness

1.2.2. Interest

1.2.3. Evaluation

1.2.4. Trial

1.2.5. Adoption

1.3. Influence of product characteristics on Rate Adoption

1.3.1. Complexity

1.3.2. Compatibility

1.3.3. Relative Advantages

1.3.4. Divisivility

2. Model of consumer behaviour

2.1. Marketing

2.1.1. 4Ps Place Price Promotion Product

2.2. Other stimuli

2.2.1. Economic

2.2.2. Political

2.2.3. Cultural

2.2.4. Techonological

2.3. Buyer's black box

2.3.1. Characteristic

2.3.2. Decision process

2.4. Buyer Responses

2.4.1. Buying behaviour

2.4.2. Buying Attitudes

3. Characteristics affecting consumer behavoir

3.1. Cultural

3.1.1. Culture

3.1.2. Subculture

3.1.3. Social class Upper class Middle class Working class Lower class

3.2. Social

3.2.1. Reference group Membership groups Assprirational groups

3.2.2. Family

3.2.3. Roles and Status

3.3. Psychological

3.3.1. Motivation

3.3.2. Perception

3.3.3. Learning

3.3.4. Beliefs and Attitudes

3.4. Personal

3.4.1. Age and life cycle stage

3.4.2. Occupation

3.4.3. Economic Situation

3.4.4. Personality and self-concept

3.4.5. Lifestyle

4. Types of Buying Decision Behaviour

4.1. Post-purchase dissonance buying behaviour

4.2. Complex Buying Behaviour

4.3. Dissonance-reducing buying behaviour

4.4. Variety-seeking behaviour

4.5. Habitual buying behaviour

5. The Buyer Decision Process

5.1. 1. Need recognition

5.2. 2. Information search

5.3. 3. Evaluating of alternatives

5.4. 4. Purchase Decision

5.5. 5. Post-purchase behaviour