Cybele Negris: From There to Here to Where? The Canadian Internet Story

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Cybele Negris: From There to Here to Where? The Canadian Internet Story by Mind Map: Cybele Negris:  From There to Here to Where?   The Canadian Internet Story

1. @webnames

2. Canada original web registrar

3. Technology change

3.1. Short-hand in high school

3.2. Own a manual typewriter

3.3. Did her homework in an electric typewriter

3.4. Own a $10K with flopppy disks

3.5. Use telex

3.6. Her daughter knows how to create a website

4. .ca

4.1. 1987 Graduating from high school

4.2. John Demco - the Godfather of .ca

4.2.1. online identity for all of us Canadians

4.3. Canadian internet registration

4.3.1. Grew from 4 to 30 people

4.3.2. 11 years since webname 1.8 million web domains

4.3.3. Future More change in tgechnology Mobile personalization of the internet Security

5. New node

6. Steve Jobs talks

6.1. has more computing than NASA in 1968

7. Quick Response Codes

7.1. Mechanisms to track parts at Totyota

7.2. It is used by so many companies: manufacturing, retailers

7.3. Coupons

7.3.1. Send them by email, qwork codes, combining GPS technology

7.3.2. Customers start walking by. You send them a deal and send them into your retail location

8. Mobile payments

8.1. for example parking

9. New node

10. Technology will continue to grow

10.1. "If everything seems under control you are not going fast enough" - Mario Andretti