Long Term Future Technology

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Long Term Future Technology by Mind Map: Long Term Future Technology

1. energy/matter convertor

1.1. unlimited matter

1.1.1. no more food crisis

1.1.2. no more object envy

1.1.3. no more currency

1.2. can accurately reproduce living organisms with corresponding minds

1.2.1. unlimited duplication physical immortality unlimited sex partners no more sexual aggression

1.2.2. newly produced minds has built-in wireless connectivity to mind web

1.3. no more garbage

2. wireless mental link

2.1. (add only, no deletion) mind web

2.1.1. mental immortality

2.1.2. ONENESS with all sentient beings

2.1.3. all sentience will be uploaded online constantly to insure latest copy

2.1.4. all sentience inside mind web can access energy/matter convertor creation of a suitable body to copy mind into

3. Long range , deep penetration, scanning tech

3.1. digitally stored duplicate

4. Energy

4.1. plasma stream harvesting

4.1.1. unlimited energy no more energy shortage

4.2. 100% efficient solar collectors

4.2.1. perfect thermal insulators + tungsten + heat pump

5. New node