Making Knowledge Free Through Technology

Talk given by Helen Baxter, MD of Mohawk Media at EDTalks, Te Papa. Thanks to Core Education, NZ.

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Making Knowledge Free Through Technology by Mind Map: Making Knowledge Free Through Technology

1. Published by Helen Baxter, Mohawk Media, NZ under a Creative Commons, Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike (BY-NC-SA) License. You can share, remix and republish this work for non commercial use, as long as you give attribution and publish using the same CC license.

2. "It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge." ~ Einstein.

3. Life long Learning

3.1. Innovation through collaboration

3.2. Two way knowledge flows

3.3. Connecting students, educators and business partners

3.4. Moving towards a "Literacy of Cooperation"

3.4.1. Howard Rheingold

4. Collaborative Tools

4.1. Mindmaps

4.1.1. Mindmeister

4.1.2. The Brain

4.2. Wikis

4.2.1. Gdocs

4.2.2. WikiMatrix

4.3. Project management

4.3.1. Basecamp

4.4. Research

4.4.1. Diigo Digest of Internet information, groups & other stuff

4.4.2. Feedly GReader + Firefox add on Manage RSS feeds Real Simple Syndication

4.4.3. Zotero Collect, manage, cite, and share your research sources. Firefox plug in

4.5. Communication

4.5.1. Skype

4.5.2. GChat

4.5.3. Twitter

4.6. Videoconferencing

4.6.1. Livestream

4.6.2. Qik

4.7. Smartphones

4.7.1. SMS

4.7.2. Video

4.7.3. Streaming

4.7.4. Moodle for iPhone

4.8. Freeware list of Educational technologies

4.8.1. Academic Software

4.8.2. Business Tools

4.8.3. Computer Assisted Drawing

4.8.4. Desktop Publishing

4.8.5. Editor Programs

4.8.6. Games Software

4.8.7. Internet Software

4.8.8. Languages Tools

4.8.9. Linux-Mac-Unix

4.8.10. Math Tools

4.8.11. Music-Audio-Video

4.8.12. Productivity Tools

4.8.13. Programming, AI

4.8.14. Science Tools

4.8.15. Security Tools

4.8.16. Special Education & Accessibility

5. Open & Free

5.1. Giving Knowledge for Free

5.1.1. The Emergence of Open Educational Resources

5.1.2. OECD Report

5.1.3. English Summary (Free pdf)

5.2. MIT Open Courseware

5.2.1. "Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds"

5.2.2. 1900 courses for free, online Lecture notes, videos & exams

5.3. Moodle

5.3.1. Course Management System

5.3.2. Learning Management System

5.3.3. Virtual Learning Environment

5.4. Open Office

5.4.1. Cost savings & open access

5.5. Portable Apps

5.5.1. Portable software for USB drives

5.5.2. Carries your data & apps securely

5.5.3. Enables more hot-desking, less machines needed

5.5.4. In 2007 France started giving out free apps on USB to all students

5.6. Creative Commons

5.6.1. Access to publications & digital assets with 'some rights reserved'

5.6.2. Encourages collaboration, remixing, innovation

5.6.3. Re-investing in the Public Domain, our future culture & society

6. New Zealand

6.1. 2,700 Schools

6.1.1. 880,000 students

6.1.2. How can we get them collborating more?

6.2. National Education Network

6.2.1. Fast broadband to schools

6.2.2. Broadband is essential - underpins our future

6.2.3. Only 20 / 2,700 schools currently connected

6.3. Virtual Learning Network

6.4. EVO

6.4.1. Enabling Virtual Organisations

6.4.2. EVO is a collaboration system that supports point-to-point and multipoint collaborative sessions. Being trialled through BeSTGrid & REANNZ (Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand Ltd

6.5. Scootle

6.5.1. Secure Online Teaching & Learning Resource Access in Nz & Aus

6.6. Managed Learning Environment

6.7. Albany Senior High School

6.7.1. has implemented Open Source from the ground up

6.7.2. estimates the school will save $200,000 per year by having no software licences to pay