future of online learning

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future of online learning by Mind Map: future of online learning

1. material

1.1. hierarchy

1.1.1. resources

1.1.2. sections

1.1.3. lessons

1.1.4. classes/courses

1.2. sharing

1.2.1. single account

1.2.2. school

1.2.3. district

1.2.4. country/nation

1.2.5. worldwide

1.3. collections of resources cc in education

1.3.1. currici

1.3.2. open courseware concept

1.3.3. CK12-Foundation

1.3.4. Connexions

1.3.5. FlatWorldKnowledge

2. legal issues

2.1. different laws applicable in different nations

2.2. using media outside walled communities

2.3. cc licence for special resources?

2.4. lousy, but can be dealt with

3. single account

3.1. fully networked

3.1.1. can friend any other edu20 account

3.2. portfolio

3.2.1. private diary

3.2.2. blog

3.2.3. private portfolio

3.2.4. public e-portfolio, viewable by anyone

3.3. owned by account holder

3.4. sharing abilities

3.5. can teach and learn

3.6. can start / join / leave informal learning groups

3.7. can apply for enrolment in an institutional account

3.8. can start a school (.org / .com)

3.9. customizable

3.9.1. color schemes

3.9.2. templates for different age groups

3.10. price

3.10.1. free until graduation?

3.10.2. if not free: earning credits by contributing?

4. institutional account

4.1. can create new individual accounts

4.2. can enrol existing accounts

4.3. "enroled" accounts can't be deleted by students

4.4. fully-featured edu20-school

4.5. pricing according to the premium plans

5. informal groups

5.1. learning circles

5.2. can be started by individual accounts

5.3. can be started by collaborating schools

5.4. any level, starting from two individuals cooperating