lyre bird

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lyre bird by Mind Map: lyre bird

1. threats

1.1. hunters

1.2. pollution

1.3. global warming

1.4. habitat loss

1.5. predators

2. human interaction

2.1. very rare birds, but in forests in Australia lyre bird are familiar with humans and human can come 10 feet towards the bird without it running or flying away

3. behavior (habits)

3.1. mimics sound that it hears and usually runs and does not fly

4. reproduction

4.1. mother lays 1 egg and takes care of it for 50 days

5. habitat

5.1. rain forests

6. characteristics


6.1.1. brown body, tail shaped like a lyre (Harp like instrument), long claws for feeding purposes and long legs for running.

7. status

7.1. least concern

8. appearnce


9. mimicry


10. adaption

10.1. Large strong legs to dig for food

10.2. It can leap with great speed thus getting it to longer distances

10.3. Is very territorial

10.4. Can glide in air

11. number

11.1. the population may be decreasing but it is not rapid and the range is very big (20 000 km)

12. map

12.1. Australia: victoria, new southwales

13. cause of endangerment

13.1. habitat loss

13.2. urbanization

14. feeding

14.1. insects

14.2. seeds

14.3. earthworms

14.4. spider

15. conservation

15.1. no special conservation