Empowerment of Women & Girls
by Denis Bellamy
1. Definition
1.1. Strengthening of voice
1.2. Expansion of choice
1.3. Transformation of power relations
2. Institutional structures
2.1. Shapers
2.1.1. Laws & policies
2.1.2. Norms of behaviour
2.1.3. Day to day relationships
2.2. Expressions
2.2.1. The family
2.2.2. The community
2.2.3. The market
2.2.4. The state
3. Resources
3.1. Bodily integrity
3.1.1. Safety & security
3.1.2. Health
3.2. Critical consciousness
3.3. Assets
3.3.1. Time
3.3.2. Financial & productive assets
3.3.3. Knowledge & skills
3.3.4. Social capital
3.3.5. Expressions Institutional structures Resources Crosscutting considerations
4. Local associations & community cooperation mechanisms
5. Intersectionality
6. Agency
6.1. Definition
6.1.1. Decision making
6.1.2. Collective action
6.1.3. Leadership