(Topics 71-133)


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(Topics 71-133) by Mind Map: (Topics 71-133)

1. 78. First impressions matter (too much)

2. 103. This is difficult to let go of

2.1. If we can give kids the foundation to dream, they’ll figure out the grammar and the history the minute it helps them reach their goals and make a difference

3. 104. The situation

3.1. Real learning happens in bursts, and often those bursts occur in places or situations that are out of the ordinary

4. 105. If you could add just one course

5. 106. The third reason they don’t teach computer science in public school

5.1. Computer programming is directed problem solving

6. 107. An aside about law school

7. 108. School as the transference of emotion and culture

7.1. Learning is frightening for many because at any step along the way, you might fail

8. 109. What great teachers have in common is the ability to transfer emotion

9. 110. Talent vs. education

9.1. our responsibility is to amplify drive, not use lack of talent as a cheap excuse for our failure to nurture dreams

10. 111. Dumb as a choice

10.1. Today, dumb is a choice, one that’s made by individuals who choose not to learn

11. 112. The schism over blocks

11.1. Build a generation of creative and motivated leaders

12. 113. Completing the square and a million teenagers

12.1. What did you "figure out" today?

13. 114. Let’s do something interesting

13.1. 98 percent is spent on preparing for tests

14. 115. Getting serious about leadership: Replacing Coach K

14.1. Is there a better way to learn than by doing?

15. 116. Higher ed is going to change as much in the next decade as newspapers did in the last one

16. 117. This Is Your Brain on the Internet: The power of a great professor

16.1. Teaching students how to learn, not how to be perfect.

17. 118. Polishing symbols

17.1. If you’re unable or unwilling to build bridges between the real world and symbols, you can’t make an impact on the world

18. 119. My ignorance vs. your knowledge

18.1. Goal has to be creating a desire (even better, a need) to know what’s true

19. 120. Seek professional help

19.1. Get better at things that matter

20. 121. Home schooling isn’t the answer for most

21. 122. Some courses I’d like to see taught in school

22. 123. The future of the library

22.1. The library is no longer a warehouse for dead books

22.2. Library ought to be the local nerve center for information

23. 124. Thinking hard about college

24. 125. The famous-college trap

24.1. Famous colleges are part of the labeling and ranking system, but have virtually nothing to do with the education imparted or the long-term impact of the education received

25. 126. The SAT measures nothing important

26. 127. “I’m not paying for an education, I’m paying for a degree”

26.1. But did anyone actually learn anything?

27. 128. Getting what they pay for

27.1. As long as students and their parents pay money for famous, and as long as famous is related to TV and to sports, expect to see more of it

28. 129. Access to information is not the same as education

28.1. College: place to grow

29. 130. Whose dream?

29.1. Our dream for our kids, the dream of 1960 and 1970 and even 1980, is for the successful student, the famous college, and the good job

29.2. That dream is gone

29.3. When we let our kids dream, encourage them to contribute, and push them to do work that matters, we open doors for them that will lead to places that are difficult for us to imagine

29.4. Our job is obvious: we need to get out of the way, shine a light, and empower a new generation to teach itself and to go further and faster than any generation ever has

30. 131. How to fix school in twenty-four hours

30.1. Don’t wait for it. Pick yourself. Teach yourself. Motivate your kids. Push them to dream, against all odds.

30.2. Learn and lead and teach. If enough of us do this, school will have no choice but to listen, emulate, and rush to catch up.

31. 132. What we teach

31.1. When we teach a child to make good decisions, we benefit from a lifetime of good decisions

31.2. When we teach a child to love to learn, the amount of learning will become limitless

31.3. When we teach a child to deal with a changing world, she will never become obsolete

31.4. When we are brave enough to teach a child to question authority, even ours, we insulate ourselves from those who would use their authority to work against each of us

31.5. And when we give students the desire to make things, even choices, we create a world filled with makers

32. dad

33. 71. Lectures at night, homework during the day

33.1. The rise of free online lectures

34. Mind map with Topics 1-70

35. This is a WikiMap

35.1. Anyone can contribute

35.2. Please don't change the headings

36. 72. Beyond the Khan Academy

36.1. Digital delivery of information will permeate every nook and cranny of what we learn

36.2. Without school to establish the foundation and push and pull and our students, the biggest digital library in the world is useless

37. 73. Here comes Slader

37.1. Connect the data with people (human tutors and teachers and parents) who can actually pay attention when attention is needed

38. 74. The role of the teacher’s union in the post-industrial school

38.1. What’s needed from the teacher is no longer high-throughput lectures or test scoring or classroom management

38.2. What’s needed is individual craftsmanship, emotional labor, and the ability to motivate

38.3. The role of the teacher in this new setting is to inspire, to intervene, and to raise up the motivated but stuck student

39. 75. Hoping for a quality revolution at the teacher’s union

40. 76. Emotional labor in the work of teachers

40.1. Connection revolution sets the table for a return of emotional labor

41. 77. Making the cut, the early creation of the bias for selection (early picks turn into market leaders)

41.1. Lesson to the kids is obvious: early advantages now lead to bigger advantages later

42. 79. Why not hack?

42.1. Hackers: passionate experimenters eager to discover something new and willing to roll up their sleeves to figure things out

43. 80. American anti-intellectualism

44. 81. Leadership and Followership

44.1. Leadership isn’t something that people hand to you

44.2. Leadership is a gradual process, one where you take responsibility years before you are given authority

45. 82. “Someone before me wrecked them”

45.1. School serves a real function when it activates a passion for lifelong learning, not when it establishes permanent boundaries for an elite class

46. 83. Some tips for the frustrated student

46.1. Grades are an illusion

46.2. Your passion and insight are reality

46.3. Your work is worth more than mere congruence to an answer key

46.4. Persistence in the face of a skeptical authority figure is a powerful ability

46.5. Fitting in is a short-term strategy, standing out pays off in the long run

46.6. If you care enough about the work to be criticized, you’ve learned enough for today

47. 84. The two pillars of a future-proof education

47.1. Teach kids how to lead

47.2. Help them learn how to solve interesting problems

47.3. Leadership involves initiative, and in the connected world, nothing happens until you step up and begin, until you start driving without a clear map

48. 85. Which comes first, passion or competence?

48.1. School is at its best when it gives students the expectation that they will not only dream big, but dream dreams that they can work on every day until they accomplish them

49. 86. “Lacks determination and interest”

50. 87. Hiding?

50.1. Connected economy demands people who won’t hide, and it punishes everyone else.

51. 88. Obedience + Competence ? Passion

51.1. Formula doesn't work

51.2. Passion often arrives from success

52. 89. A shortage of engineers

53. 90. Reading and writing

53.1. In the connected age, reading and writing remain the two skills that are most likely to pay off with exponential results

53.2. Reading is the way we open doors

53.3. If you want to teach kids to love being smart, you must teach them to love to read

53.4. The effective writer in the connected revolution can see her ideas spread to a hundred or a million people

54. 91. The desire to figure things out

54.1. Desire to make things, to figure things out and to make a difference

55. 92. Because or despite?

55.1. Did they reach their level of accomplishment and contribution because of what they are taught in school, or despite it?

56. 93. Schools as engines of competence or maintainers of class?

56.1. Give a kid a chance to dream, though, and the open access to resources will help her find exactly what she needs to know to go far beyond competence

57. 94. College as a ranking mechanism, a tool for slotting people into limited pigeonholes

57.1. The goal is to get in (and possibly get out), but what happens while you’re there doesn’t matter much if the goal is merely to claim your slot

57.2. In connected world, we care a great deal about what you’ve done, less about the one-word alumnus label you bought

58. 95. The coming meltdown in higher education (as seen by a marketer)

58.1. The valuable things people take away from college are interactions with great minds (usually professors who actually teach and actually care) and non-class activities that shape them as people

59. 96. Big companies no longer create jobs

59.1. Pick yourself

60. 97. Understanding the gas station question

60.1. Learn how to be usefully wrong

61. 98. The cost of failure has changed

61.1. A great use of the connection economy is to put together circles of people who challenge each other to be wronger and wronger still—until we find right

61.2. Instead of certainty and proof and a guarantee, our future is about doubt and fuzzy logic and testing

62. 99. What does “smart” mean?

62.1. Our economy and our culture have redefined “smart"

63. 100. Can anyone make music?

63.1. Real music education involves teaching students how to hear and how to perform from the heart… not to conform to to a rigorous process that ultimately leads to numbness, not love

64. 101. Two kinds of learning

64.1. Real learning happens when the student wants (insists!) on acquiring a skill in order to accomplish a goal

65. 102. History’s greatest hits: Unnerving the traditionalists

65.1. How many kids leave school caring to know?