Anthony Johnson Freshman Portfolio

My 2011-2012 freshman portfolio

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Anthony Johnson Freshman Portfolio by Mind Map: Anthony Johnson Freshman Portfolio

1. ELA Standard 5

1.1. ELA/WH

1.2. Reflection

1.3. Critical Friends

2. ELA Standard 6

2.1. ELA/WH

2.2. Reflection

2.3. Belief Systems Calendar

3. ELA Standard 7

3.1. ELA/WH

3.2. Reflection

3.3. Odyssey Project Group Presentations

4. ELA Standard 8

4.1. Humanities

4.2. Reflection

4.3. Submit Your T-Shirt Design

5. Data Analysis

6. Conclusion

7. New node

8. ELA Standard 1

8.1. Science

8.2. Reflection

8.3. Chapter 17 Vocab

9. ELA Standard 2

9.1. P.E.

9.2. Reflection

9.3. Remember The Titans Reflection

10. ELA Standard 3

10.1. ELA/WH

10.2. Reflection

10.3. Odyssey Reading Schedule

11. ELA Standard 4

11.1. ELA/WH

11.2. Reflection

11.3. Oppression Essay

12. Introductory Letter

13. Personal Webpage

14. New node