CUNYfirst Training for Managers

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CUNYfirst Training for Managers by Mind Map: CUNYfirst Training for Managers

1. Manager Self Service

1.1. Who Reports to You

1.2. Access Employee Job Roles

1.3. Access Employee Job Compensation

2. Understanding CUNYfirst - 3 Pillars

2.1. HCM (Human Capital Management )

2.1.1. Human Recources

2.1.2. Payroll

2.1.3. Benefits

2.2. Finances

2.2.1. General Ledger

2.2.2. Planning and Budgeting

2.2.3. Procurement and Accounts Payable

2.3. Campus Solutions

2.3.1. Campus Comunity

2.3.2. Admissions

2.3.3. Student Records

2.3.4. Student Financials

2.3.5. Financial Aid

3. Security Access Workflow

3.1. HCM Access Form

3.2. Procurement Access Form

3.3. CS Access Form