Kindle Romance System

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Kindle Romance System by Mind Map: Kindle Romance System

1. Strategic Objective

1.1. Who We Are

1.2. What We Do

1.3. Where We Are Going

2. General Operating Principles

3. Working Procedures

3.1. Publishing

3.1.1. Niche research

3.1.2. Hire writer to create story on the theme

3.1.3. Create a title for the story to go on the cover

3.1.4. Create pen name for your story

3.1.5. Order the cover for your story

3.1.6. editing or proofreading

3.1.7. Format the Book

3.1.8. Create a description for the story

3.1.9. Decide on the 7 keyword “roots”

3.1.10. enter 7 keyword “roots” in your title fields

3.1.11. Choose two categories

3.1.12. Choose price

3.1.13. Once book goes live, put it on a 5-day free promo ASAP

3.1.14. BKNights Fiverr gig for the last day of free promo (optional)

3.1.15. Once book is done free promo, watch the ranking. If the ranking goes to better than #20,000 in the first week after free promo that is a signal that you have found a great niche and you should repeat this type of book again ASAP, using same themes, similar keywords,categories, etc.

3.1.16. Track the ranking of your book. Once it falls to worse than #100,000 in the store, go through the unpublish and republish revitalization process

3.1.17. Create Collections